The animal’s age, state of health, size, breed and type of physical activity are the main parameters for identifying the best dog food to buy. There are many different types on the market, but it is necessary to choose between puppy, regular, premium and light. Let’s take a detailed look at the differences while keeping in mind that kibble is the best choice for your dog’s diet. It is practical, hygienic, guarantees a balanced intake from a nutritional point of view and is very much appreciated by the dog. A little tip: to make them even tastier, you can add a little wet food to the bowl of kibble, which is perhaps less nutritionally rich than dry food, but definitely more appetising for your dog.
Puppy dog food
Puppy dog food is intended for puppies. It is rich in calcium and vitamins and ensures that your puppy’s bones develop properly give them a stronger bite.
Regular kibble
Regular kibble is suitable for dogs that have a normal amount of physical activity and are suitable for all types of dog breeds.
Premium kibble
Premium kibble or high-energy kibble are idols for all dogs that perform intensive physical activity such as rescue dogs, but are also suitable for pregnant or lactating dogs.
Light kibble
Light-weight kibble is suitable if the dog leads a sedentary lifestyle, as it contains less protein and vitamins and is easier to digest.

How to choose dog food
There are different types and sizes of kibble to choose. Larger pieces are suitable for larger dogs who are able to chew and chop food better, and smaller pieces, which are suitable for smaller dogs. Each to his own size, as kibble that is too large is not suitable for small dogs who are not able to chew so well, but kibble that is too small is not good for large dogs as it could be dangerous for digestion.
How to store kibble
How much kibble should dogs eat? Giving the correct amount of food is absolutely essential. The correct serving size of each nutritional element are indicated on the packaging according to the animal’s weight. And, of course, the quantity should also be set according to the temperature or according to the weight and physical fitness of our four-legged friend.