GPS dog beepers help our four-legged friend to communicate with us in a certain way. In fact, they allow him to communicate at least his position with an acoustic signal in addition to the GPS tracking system. This is an essential tool, especially when hunting in places where the vegetation is thick and the visibility of the ground is not ideal.
Whether we are dealing with a tracking dog or even more with a stationary dog, it is quite possible that a little distraction makes us lose sight of our beloved adventure companion. In this case a GPS dog beeper solves every problem, since it will be able to calculate the position of the dog with very high updating frequencies. We are talking about few seconds between one and the other, so we can say we are in front of a real live tracking. The monitoring of the position in real time for our dog allows us to know first of all if the dog is still or still moving and in this last case to determine direction and speed with which it is moving.

Finding your dog with the GPS Beeper
Once the position has been established, we can go to the place and if the nature is too wild to help our eyes to locate the dog, the GPS dog beeper comes to the rescue, which is able to emit a sound: once the origin has been identified, we will have finally found our dog. If you think about it, it is an evolution of the bell that used to be hung around the dog’s neck to follow its movements by hearing, but nowadays it is more discreet as it sounds only when necessary and above all it is assisted by the GPS localization system and all the technology such as Bluetooth, wi-fi and GSM. This is because before the acoustic signal it is necessary that the collar is able to transmit the position to us, or rather to our smartphone. The most modern collars interface directly with our phone through an app and thanks to it we can consult the position, monitor the activity and eventually take advantage of the GPS beeper function for dogs or the switching on of a LED light to help the localization in the dark.