How to recognize poisoning symptoms in dogs

Walking is one of the best moments we spend with our dog, but you should always be careful. The dog may eat some poisoned things left by those who does not love our four-legged friends, but also it may eat some poisoned mushrooms, dangerous plants, poison or a piece of anti-parasitic collar.

Either case it is better always watching our friend even when it is in our garden, since our swift rescue may often save its life: what are the symptoms if the dog is poisoned?

Poisoned dogs, what are the symptoms?

Generally, when a dog is poisoned there are some common symptoms that should ring a bell even if we do not know what has it eaten.

Here are the most common poisoning symptoms

Stiff joints and trouble walking

Short breath

Excessive salivation


Pale mucous membranes

Vomiting and blood diarrhea



It is fundamental recognizing swiftly the dog has been poisoned in order to save its life.

Obviously, poisoning symptoms change according to the poison entered in the bloodflow of the dog. Some toxins are slow-release, but some others act swiftly in few minutes. There could be serious symptoms in few minutes after the assumption. Poisoning symptoms in the dog may show up between 30 minutes and 72 hours after the ingestion.

If the dog is poisoned what are the symptoms?

The most common poisons

Poisoning in dog usually occur with stricnin, metaldehyde (snail pellet), herbicides, poisoning used in nuggets left in parks, garden and woods by bad people. The ingestion of mice poisoning is generally accidental. If we are outdoor and realize our dog is eating something suspicious we should get it to vomit. We recommend to act swiftly contacting the veterinarian and trying to make it vomit administering large quantity of salt water. Never give the dog milk.

Poisoning mushrooms

During summer and fall if we love walking in woods it is better being careful to mushrooms of the undergrowth. Their smell attracts the dog and mushrooms may prove to be highly toxic. Dangerous mushrooms poisoning usually cause chest pain, nausea, diarrhea and uncoordinated movements.

Anti-parasitic collar

If the dog eats even the slightest piece of anti-parasitic collar it would be better contacting the manufacturer in order to swiftly know the antidote to an eventual intoxication. The diazepines are a sedative for muscle contractions of the respiratory system, generally the most used. The most common side-effects can be reins and liver issues, even after a bit of time.

Toxic plants

There are some toxic plants for dogs, plants for homes, but also flowers and shrubs. Toxic plants: Christmas star, mistletoe and holly, hydrangea (tha cause convulsion and vomit), jasmine (highly poisonous) and oleander, just to mention some of them.

Toxicological Veterinary Support

You can find a free of charge Toxicological Veterinary Support (ATV) in Italy, a phone service for veterinarians in order to support them in managing and resolvinf emergencies for poisoned pets. You can contact the ATV at the phone number 011.2470194 24/24, 365 day all year round.