On your daily cleaning you can’t forget to clean the dog’s ears. They can be long, short, high or saggy, it doesn’t matter, you should clean them regularly. But how should you clean them? Here’s all you should know.
Why it is important to clean dogs’ ears
In the ears of our furry friends, we usually notice some earwax. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Earwax is a secretion in the ears of dogs that helps cleaning them, capturing the dirt, dead skin, hair, small particles of dirt, slowly taking them out of the ear canal. Usually earwax present itself as a yellow/dark mass and it is produced by sebum and sweat glands. But when the earwax is too much, it has to be removed. Its presence may lead to inflammation or serious pathologies. Common inflammation is otitis, but there may be serious damages on the ear conduct. Some dog breeds, due to the shape of their ears, may be more exposed to infection, but you should always take care of their hygiene, regardless of the breed. Among them we should mention cocker, dachshund, Labrador: saggy ears may lead to the accumulation of earwax.

How to clean dogs’ ears
So, how should we clean dogs’ ears? What should we use? For instance, you should check the ears: the inside should have a pink color, it should not present any bruises and they should not emanate strong or unpleasant smells. Pay attention to strange objects or parasites like ticks, lice and fleas. In these cases, you should contact your veterinarian. In order to clean the ears, you will need some wadding wet with detergent solutions. If you don’t have wadding you can use a sterile gauze, but be careful to sterilize it properly. Move slowly your finger in the ear conduct and remove all the dirt, cleaning properly all the spaces in the ears. You should not move too much in depth in order to avoid causing damages. You should do the cleaning regularly, especially if your dog tends to produce earwax. So, before going to bed, let’s perform a beauty care for our furry friends!