When you go hunting with your four-legged friend, you need to take precautions to keep them safe and the Amazon hunting dog GPS is a purchase that you will not regret. Whether in the mountains or in the plains, hunting takes place in nature and all its wide open spaces, trees, bushes and tall grass – a whole series of factors that make it difficult to keep your dog under control during hunting. The role that the dog plays during hunting can vary depending on the type of prey, and so the hunter will be accompanied by flushers or pointers etc., but what matters in any case is that despite the fact that these animals are highly trained, they still move around a lot and run quickly to carry out their task. The risk of losing sight of them is great – perhaps because they stray too far or even hurt themselves.

Amazon hunting dog GPS

GPS utility for hunting dogs

This is why many hunters choose to equip their dog with an Amazon hunting dog GPS so as to follow their animal’s movements in real time, conveniently viewing their position on a receiver and a digital map, and if the dog is moving, speed and direction of movement. They are devices that mainly exploit GPS technology, integrated with the various other technologies and gadgets that have been developed over time and that we also find on our smartphones. Indeed, it is our phone which acts as receiver for the Amazon hunting dog GPS collar, or rather as an access key to the information transmitted by the collar.

The latter is in fact equipped with a GSM module via which it transmits the information collected over the internet to a server which we can access from any device capable of connecting to the network. In this way, the device’s communication overcomes the range limits imposed by protocols such as bluetooth and wi-fi, and more generally those that exploit terrestrial radio frequencies: GSM technology – although now obsolete, in the sense that we are talking about the 2G cellular line – is sufficient to transmit everything necessary without drastically reducing the battery life of the device.